Super Bowl/Valentines Day Menu February 13th, 2022
Here is this week’s menu! PLEASE NOTE! This week’s menu is for pick-up on Sunday February 13th in Montgomery (10709 Adventure Lane)...

Bengal Bites & To-Go Menu February 4th, 2022
Here is this week’s menu! This week’s menu is for pick-up on Friday February 4th in Montgomery (10709 Adventure Lane) from 5pm-7pm with...

To-Go Menu January 28th, 2022
Here is this week’s menu! This week’s menu is for pick-up on Friday January 28th in Montgomery (10709 Adventure Lane) from 5pm-7pm with...

To-Go Menu January 21st, 2022
Here is this week’s menu! This week’s menu is for pick-up on Friday January 21st in Montgomery (10709 Adventure Lane) from 5pm-7pm with...

Bûches de Noël 2021
"Bûche de Noël" is a traditional french log shaped cake. Ours is a modern version with either a lemon-raspberry, chocolate-praliné...

Ordering for TURKEY TUESDAY (NOV 23rd) IS OPEN!!!
Simply French Cuisine is joining Hyde Park Farmers' Market for its TURKEY TUESDAY MARKET. Turkey Tuesday takes place on November 23rd...

Weekend of October 30th & 31st, 2021
This week you can find us at Montgomery Farmers’ Market and Hyde Park farmers’ Market on the square (12:00pm-2:30pm this week) ! LAST...

Weekend of October 23rd & 24th, 2021
This week you can find us at Montgomery Farmers’ Market and Hyde Park farmers’ Market on the square! ONLY TWO MARKETS LEFT IN THE...

Weekend of October 16th & 17th, 2021
This week you can find us at Montgomery Farmers’ Market and Hyde Park farmers’ Market on the square! 1 - Pre-order by 8pm WEDNESDAY to...
Weekend of September 25th & 26th, 2021
Simply French Cuisine will not be at either market this week, as we are taking the week off. Both Montgomery Farmers’ Market and Hyde...